4 pm 5 pm

James Lyman, drawing 2
It must be nearly 7pm now.
I ask Marilyn the time with my eyes.
She mouths ‘you’re close’.
I dig deep again.
I’m sore.
My knees and neck are killing me.
I’m tripping/hallucinating and I don’t like it.
I’m swaying.
I feel out of control.
I can’t get back to the real world.
I want it to end.
Just a few more walks up and down the stairs.
I’m walking up and down the stairs, pretty slowly at this stage and still no announcement that the Museum will close in 15 minutes. I catch sight of someone’s watch, jesus it’s 4.45, I can’t believe its not even 5 yet. dig deep.

Photos: Bob Raymond
Marilyn: I would say I never saw you hit bottom.
Well, we were aware of how deep and far down you were, actually a conversation I had with Bob when you did not go into the basement, it’s too dark down there, there aren’t enough people, it’s cold, of course you’re not going down there, its too much.
And being there witnessing it, knowing that this was the hardest period, I think, other than maybe the first hour because that can be hard as you’re trying to get settled and centered, but this was the hardest place and yet you still...,
I mean, you weren’t crawling!
Amanda: I nearly did!
Just stay with an image

Amanda: With long durational performances you realise
that you can just hold it,
just stay there with the image,
you don’t have to be busy, busy, busy,
it’s rich enough
and it’s big enough to sustain just standing there.
I had my back to everybody,
I don’t know if anyone noticed this,
I had my back to everybody, in the back staircase,
and I was making the shapes with my hands – well I thought I was being very powerful, power, beaming out of my back.
Marilyn: Yes yes,yes, of course
Tyler: Absoultely I was like – woo (laughing)